Meanwhile, we await word today from family in Odessa on my father-in-law and my great uncle. (info on their hospitalizations in my last post) Last word on Tom Wooten is that he does not have phlebitis, but rather an infection in his leg - apparently a pretty bad one that may be trying to shut down his kidneys. This coupled with the cancer that he's been fighting with chemo therapy lately is very troubling. Doctors did start him on some powerful antibiotics. Our prayers are that God lay His hands on Tom and completely heal him. But if that is not God's will, we are comforted with the knowledge that Tom has accepted Jesus as his saviour. We know he will go to be with Jesus in Heaven whatever day in the future that God takes him from this world. We just hope that day is far, far in the future.
My great-uncle Horace is scheduled for "exploratory" surgery sometime today, where doctors will try to remove the mass all around his pancreas and biopsy it. They are very worried that it is malignant cancer. If they are correct, they do not believe they can do much to save his life. Praise God, though, Uncle Horace has been a Christian for many years. We still pray for comfort and healing for all in the family.

We are very thankful that Hurricane Gustav came inland much weaker than expected, and seems to have caused less damage than feared. Of course, there are more hurricanes forming and headed toward our country. So, we continue to trust God to protect us in the days to come.
While much of Louisiana is seeing inches and inches of rain, our weather here is dry and hot - very hot. It is expected to reach near 100 here this afternoon.

To try and help cut our air conditioning costs, Monday we put up some heat repelling tinting on our kitchen windows. We could already feel a difference yesterday afternoon. If the tinting works well enough, we may invest in more for the rest of the windows on that side of our house.
And we ended our Labor Day Weekend last night with the guys going bird hunting and us girls watching a "chick flick" called What Happens in Vegas. The movie was touching, had some very cute scenes and a happy ending; but it was missing something in my view - any mention of God or faith being important in your life or relationships. Anyway, you have got to watch this movie trailer for some laughs:
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