
certainly not funnier
than this 5th grader:

Ain't he cute?
Joshua spends hours each night working on homework
that would likely take most kids a few minutes. Even still...
he refuses to give up. So, to help him get through it all,
I study over it and try to explain it to him bit by bit.
You know, I am learning things I don't remember
so well from back when I was a 5th grader.
For instance, this week in Science class, the subject
is Photosynthesis. The assignment - to make a brochure
answering all sorts of questions about the process plants
use to turn carbon dioxide, water and nutrients into food
and oxygen. It had to be neat, colorful with hand-drawn
elements. So, together, Joshua and I put together
one awesome brochure. Joshua just put the finishing
touches on it this evening:

Un-Frozen Freezer

We had a little incident with our freezer last night.
For some reason, it decided to quit freezing and
let everything inside thaw out. We had just bought
lots of ice cream in preparation for Joshua's birthday
party this weekend (they had a great special on
Blue Bell Ice Cream at Walgreens). And every bit of it
had turned to soup. So, we had to throw it all out -
along with a large trash bag full of other food.
We were so disappointed. I'm still not sure what caused
it to stop freezing, but whatever it was - seems
to be fixed now. I still think I'll wait until Saturday
morning to drop by and buy more ice cream -
just in case.
Up-LIFT-ing News
Part of our Medicaid budget this year was to be devoted
to the purchase and installation of a special lift in our
van. It is to load and un-load Joshua's heavy ventilator
cart. I especially want HIM to be able to load his equipment
himself when he wants to go some place. After we decide
which is just the right lift for the job - we must get three
companies nearby to provide bids. Oh sure, it sounds easy enough.
But it has taken months of research, visits in person,
on the phone and through emails. I finally just a week
or so ago received the last bid. I got the call from the
company that won the bid yesterday. And, I took the van over
and dropped it off for installation this afternoon. It should be
done and ready for pickup tomorrow - on Joshua's 12th Birthday!
Birthday Surprise!
Speaking of his birthday, Joshua is in for a nice surprise.
I have been speaking to some of the kind folks over at the
Cibolo Police Department today. An officer or two will
help celebrate Joshua's big day by coming to his school
just before lunch - time and bringing him a Happy Meal
and enough cake to feed him and his class! They asked
me what Joshua's favorite McDonalds meal was -
chicken nuggets with bar-b-cue sauce and a sprite to drink,
what kind of cake he would like - just a regular white vanilla
cake maybe decorated with a police type theme, and when and
where they should meet up with him.
For those who may not remember, for Joshua's
10th birthday.. McGruff the Crime Dog along
with several Cibolo Police Officers came to our
house to deliver Joshua a birthday gift....

They announced Joshua was going to become
one of them... and be sworn in at Cibolo City Hall.

He got his own real badge, patch and oath of office.

And they have since taken him out on patrol.

Some of his officer buddies have come to eat
lunch with him at school a few times
over the past couple of years.

The last time was just before Christmas last
year - when they brought their nice, shiny new
Harley Davidson motorcycles up for
him to check out.

Josh has no idea they are coming again this year.
I know he will be so excited to see them!
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