almost 24 hours a day, it is difficult
and sometimes impossible for him to play
all the sports he wants to...
but yesterday (NOV 13) he got an opportunity
to play one sport in the Special Olympics

he would connect to his ventilator in between his turns
he played three full games (see the video below ~ one of his turns)
Josh Wooten bowling for Special Olympics 2
so, how did Josh do????
with scores of 76, 70 and 79......

yes, he got FIRST PLACE
that means a Gold Medal, baby!

unfortunately, I think Josh may have overdone it....
because by bedtime last night he was running a fever 100.4.
I gave him extra water and some medication...
but this morning, his temperature was even higher 100.7.
and he was very sweatty and said his hands were shaky at breakfast.
More medicine and LOTS to drink this morning and off to school he went
(he wouldn't THINK of staying home. He had to go celebrate
his victory with his nurse, teachers and friends at school.
His nurse said she'd keep a close eye on him
and if he wasn't improving, she'd let us know
and we could come pick him up)
James celebrated his 40th Birthday (NOV 13) with 2 cakes...
this one at the Weavers (it was chocolate on the inside with whipped cream frosting - yummy!)

and another one, Strawberry (a pink one - no pictures allowed) at home
oh wait.. if you look at the picture of Josh in our kitchen (above) you might notice the pink cake on the counter behind Josh - by the coffee maker :)
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