We - like many others all over our country - are celebrating Easter with some colored Easter eggs. We dyed ours last night.

Josh - even though he is 12 years old now - believes in the Easter bunny and that we need to get eggs ready for the bunny to come and hide for him. That is sweet. But of course it's not really the true meaning of Easter. I am so glad that he knows that. In fact, last week we watched the story retold again at our church through a musical performance called "The I Am."

It shows Jesus performing miracles and being loved and praised by some. Then, being betrayed, beaten, crucified. His followers were scared for their own lives, His mother and others mourned His death.

Then, he rock at His grave rolled away... and "then came the morning! night turned into day! the stone was rolled away!" Jesus was resurrected, praise God! And because Jesus overcame death and provided us the one and only way to heaven, we can overcome death as well. So, Happy Easter everyone. I pray that each of you knows Jesus as your saviour!
This Easter holiday weekend, besides planning an egg hunt for Joshua (Steffany says she is too old to hunt for eggs. She might help hide some, but she's not hunting for any.) We are planning to do a little fishing.

We have been trying to find a time when the weather would be nice and we didn't have too many other things keeping us from it, to drive over to the lake and put our poles in the water. Today seems like the perfect opportunity.
But before we go, I wanted to let everyone know Josh seems to be doing very well. His temperature was normal this morning and he got up and is getting ready to go fishing. We are still planning to see his Endocrinologist this coming week and then we'll travel to Houston on Thursday to see the pediatric surgeon who will implant diaphragmatic (breathing) pacemakers in him. That surgery will not happen until school is out though. This will be a question and answer session as well as a time when we get the paperwork off to the insurance company(ies) so it can be officially approved and paid for.
And.. another note.. our house is still on the market. We have had 5 showings so far. The last was yesterday (Good Friday) afternoon. We have heard no feedback on that one so far. We are still leaving the sale of our house and purchase of a new one in the Lord's hands.

My husband just came in and says everything's ready to head to the lake, so I'll sign off now.
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