Josh is a 6th grader now. Our least favorite part so far is the having to get up before 6AM to get him ready to catch the bus. But we've managed 2 days now.

He had a great first day of school Monday. His only problem was that his sunglasses broke as he got on the bus. But by the time he got home, he had them repaired. His new nurse seems very sweet and Josh showed confidence in her abilities, so that is saying alot.
We started out this morning (the 2nd day of school) with a snag. About the time the bus was supposed to be here to pick him up, we got a couple of phone calls that his new nurse, Michelle, was in the emergency room. She is suffering from an allergic reaction to a medication - no word on how serious - but it means that Josh is not riding the bus this morning. His doctor orders state he must be accompanied by a trained nurse to and from school and at all times during the school day. So, they would have to find a replacement for Michelle. In the meantime, I needed to bring Josh to school and he could sit with his old nurse, Maria, who is now the school nurse; and he can stay in her office until she can find someone to take her place.
So, I took Josh in and offered to stay with him in his class until they could find someone, but Maria said that was not necessary. I just got a call from Josh as I was writing this blog; and he is still in Nurse Maria's office - even though class has already begun. He was calling because he wanted me to come to eat lunch with him today at 11:40AM. I told him I might - especially because they may have trouble finding someone to relieve Maria so she can have a lunch break.
I've applied for several jobs but have so far not even been called in anywhere for an interview. That is very depressing. But I know God has something for me in His time and I need to wait on the Lord. I'm confident that He will provide for our needs in His way. But of course, I am nervous and we are barely scraping by. If you don't mind, say a little prayer for me. I so want us to be out of debt. The answers in my mind are that our house sells or I get a great paying job suddenly - but God may have something else in mind that I don't realize. And try as I may to be patient, it just doesn't seem to be working.
Well, we got Steffany married (see pictures taken by friends below - still don't have the professional shots) and semi-moved out. Her room upstairs is still filled with her belongings waiting for their move to a new apartment. She doesn't want to move everything twice in a short period of time. That makes sense. As soon as she decides what she doesn't want, I will try to sell or give that stuff away.

And I made a great find yesterday - a carseat for Steffany's baby due in January. A couple who lives nearby had been given this Cosco carseat through a group called FreeCycle (a yahoo group whose goal is to keep as much as possible out of landfills). They no longer needed it and offered it up. I just happened to respond to them in time and they gave it to me. I worked yesterday evening taking the cloth off and washing it and scrubbing down the rest of the surfaces to make sure it was nice and sanitary. I put it back together late last night before bed and it is in great shape. Now, I'll have a way to transport my new grandbaby after he/she gets here - praise the Lord!
James told me last night his work schedule may be changing soon. He's not sure, but will likely have to work overnights again. This is bittersweet for him. He'd rather work days because its so hard to get good rest sleeping days. But at least he will be awake to see Josh off on the bus in the mornings if he works nights. And he'll get to eat dinner with us that way, too. Right now, James doesn't even get to see Josh awake at all during the week. James is sleeping when Josh gets up for school, and by the time he wakes, Josh is gone. Then, when Josh gets home, James is at work until long after his bedtime. At least they have the weekends.
Oh, and James decided to come and maybe help out with AWANA this year. We had a leaders meeting Sunday, and even though I didn't even ask him, James said maybe he needed to go to it with me. I was super happy to have him offer. Now he has a shirt ordered and will likely be working in with the boys Josh's age. That will give him some more quality time with his son - and I am sure glad.
Josh is a 6th grader now. Our least favorite part so far is the having to get up before 6AM to get him ready to catch the bus. But we've managed 2 days now.
He had a great first day of school Monday. His only problem was that his sunglasses broke as he got on the bus. But by the time he got home, he had them repaired. His new nurse seems very sweet and Josh showed confidence in her abilities, so that is saying alot.
We started out this morning (the 2nd day of school) with a snag. About the time the bus was supposed to be here to pick him up, we got a couple of phone calls that his new nurse, Michelle, was in the emergency room. She is suffering from an allergic reaction to a medication - no word on how serious - but it means that Josh is not riding the bus this morning. His doctor orders state he must be accompanied by a trained nurse to and from school and at all times during the school day. So, they would have to find a replacement for Michelle. In the meantime, I needed to bring Josh to school and he could sit with his old nurse, Maria, who is now the school nurse; and he can stay in her office until she can find someone to take her place.
So, I took Josh in and offered to stay with him in his class until they could find someone, but Maria said that was not necessary. I just got a call from Josh as I was writing this blog; and he is still in Nurse Maria's office - even though class has already begun. He was calling because he wanted me to come to eat lunch with him today at 11:40AM. I told him I might - especially because they may have trouble finding someone to relieve Maria so she can have a lunch break.
I've applied for several jobs but have so far not even been called in anywhere for an interview. That is very depressing. But I know God has something for me in His time and I need to wait on the Lord. I'm confident that He will provide for our needs in His way. But of course, I am nervous and we are barely scraping by. If you don't mind, say a little prayer for me. I so want us to be out of debt. The answers in my mind are that our house sells or I get a great paying job suddenly - but God may have something else in mind that I don't realize. And try as I may to be patient, it just doesn't seem to be working.
Well, we got Steffany married (see pictures taken by friends below - still don't have the professional shots) and semi-moved out. Her room upstairs is still filled with her belongings waiting for their move to a new apartment. She doesn't want to move everything twice in a short period of time. That makes sense. As soon as she decides what she doesn't want, I will try to sell or give that stuff away.

And I made a great find yesterday - a carseat for Steffany's baby due in January. A couple who lives nearby had been given this Cosco carseat through a group called FreeCycle (a yahoo group whose goal is to keep as much as possible out of landfills). They no longer needed it and offered it up. I just happened to respond to them in time and they gave it to me. I worked yesterday evening taking the cloth off and washing it and scrubbing down the rest of the surfaces to make sure it was nice and sanitary. I put it back together late last night before bed and it is in great shape. Now, I'll have a way to transport my new grandbaby after he/she gets here - praise the Lord!
James told me last night his work schedule may be changing soon. He's not sure, but will likely have to work overnights again. This is bittersweet for him. He'd rather work days because its so hard to get good rest sleeping days. But at least he will be awake to see Josh off on the bus in the mornings if he works nights. And he'll get to eat dinner with us that way, too. Right now, James doesn't even get to see Josh awake at all during the week. James is sleeping when Josh gets up for school, and by the time he wakes, Josh is gone. Then, when Josh gets home, James is at work until long after his bedtime. At least they have the weekends.
Oh, and James decided to come and maybe help out with AWANA this year. We had a leaders meeting Sunday, and even though I didn't even ask him, James said maybe he needed to go to it with me. I was super happy to have him offer. Now he has a shirt ordered and will likely be working in with the boys Josh's age. That will give him some more quality time with his son - and I am sure glad.
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