We are preparing for Steffany's wedding coming up August 15th.

Invitations are ready and sent out.

She's got a dress (not the one pictured below.. but one equally as lovely)

Her dress is out having a bustle (like the one pictured below) put in
(to keep the train up after the ceremony).

She's got the shoes (similar to these),

and garters (similar to these).

She is borrowing a beautiful tiara (somewhat like this).

She designed all the bouquets, boutonnieres and corsages.

She did have some help from Josh, his nurse, my sister Amanda and me.

She's decorated her unity candle set.

We have even got our clothes for the wedding.

James got fitted for his tuxedo, so he can give away his daughter; but it has not come in yet.
And today, she and her fiance, Bryan picked up their wedding flutes and went to visit with the minister who will marry them.

This weekend, Steffany has another ob doctor visit. She will be almost 17 weeks pregnant by then. And we also meet Bryan's grandparents at their home over the weekend.
Joshua's health has been fairly stable. His main trouble lately has been his temperature going up and him getting really sweaty when he gets off the vent and outside much - even when he is in the swimming pool and you would think that would cool him off plenty. But get him inside on the vent, in the air conditioning and drinking a tall drink with lots of ice, and his temp comes back down and he recovers nicely.
Josh went to the dentist today (well, Wednesday Aug 5th). He got a pretty good report - no cavities, but he needs to brush a little better. And the dentist mentioned he has a cross bite that may need fixing sometime in the next year - once his canine teeth all come in. But he said that should not be a difficult or lengthy fix.
Of course, Josh is still connected to his ventilator almost all the time as we wait for his lung doctor to be ready to start us on the diaphragmatic pacemakers. I imagine that will happen around our next scheduled visit to him - September 1st.
Papa Tom

We are really worrying more about the health of Joshua's Papa Tom right now. You may remember back almost a year ago, doctors said Tom's cancer was terminal and estimated his life expectancy would be around 3 months. Well, Tom way outlasted their predictions. But that isn't all necessarily good news, because he is hurting so badly and worrying so much about things he cannot change. Tom has been in and out of hospice care for months. Everytime things look so grim that we're sure he can't possibly make it much longer, he seems to get enough better to go back home. He has even been well enough (at times) to go on short outings with the family. But he has fallen several times and has become so weak he cannot get out of the bed now. He is weapy more and in so much pain. We continue to pray for complete healing for Tom - whether that be in this life or in heaven. We hope for his pain and suffering to be over.
Swine Flu Death

And we have been touched by a tragic death related to swine flu. The victim is a 31 year old wife and mother - a dear friend and former colleague of Joshua's nurse, Jenny. Jenny's friend, Melissa Cantu developed pnuemonia after catching swine flu just before making a trip with her family to San Antonio and New Braunfels in mid-July. Melissa was hospitalized days after the trip back in Corpus Christi where she lived. She had to be put on a ventilator and was in very bad shape for the next two weeks. Jenny shared with us news of Melissa's illness and hospitalization and asked us to pray for her - which we did daily.
Jenny went over the weekend to visit Melissa's family in Corpus Christi. Monday, back here with us, she said there was talk about whether Melissa would benefit from a tracheostomy tube - like Joshua's. The tube could allow her to remain on a ventilator but maybe free her to talk and eat and drink, etc. It sounded very encouraging. But late Monday night, Jenny texted me that her friend, Melissa was dying. She'd had a heart attack and cardiac arrest. The family was being called together at the hospital to prepare them. Minutes later, Melissa passed away.
Melissa had two children, the youngest only 3 years old. She did not have any health insurance. The doctor's office where Melissa had worked is planning a bar-b-cue benefit to help pay for medical/burial costs. It will be held this Sunday, August 9th in Corpus Christi. And a bank account was opened to help with fundraising for her family at the Army/Navy Credit Union.
Here is a link to a website with the story about Melissa and the benefit and bank account: http://www.caller.com/news/2009/aug/04/breaking_news_080409/?partner=RSS
Looking for a Job
I am currently looking for work. I was hoping to get the chance to work at Joshua's school - especially with his transitioning to pacers. But that job was filled; and apparently all the others with the school district. So, I am looking at all my options. I want to be doing what God chooses for me. I would like to think it would be in a job that uses my office skills, but I really don't know what job that is exactly. I have been applying for various positions and praying for guidance.
House Sale Update
And we are still trying to sell our house. We dropped the price some last week and included information about the new neighborhood park that is in the works. So far this week, we have had 3 showings. That is the most we've had in any given one week time since the house has been on the market. But we have not really had any feedback on the showings. So, we are hoping God brings just the right person/family along to make an offer we can accept.
Oh, and on a happy note - I am an "aunt" now to a brand new baby kitten! My sister, Amanda is "Mama" to this little cutie we named Lilly.

She is 6 weeks old.
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