We've been waiting for weeks to hear what the doctors found from Joshua's testing just before Christmas. Today, I got word that there WERE some abnormalities found in his EEG. EEG stands for electroencephalogram. It is a test that measures and records the electrical activity of the brain. It helps to diagnose conditions such as epilepsy (seizure disorder). We have not yet been told what kind of abnormalities Joshua has. The doctor is conferring with an epileptologist first.
Before Joshua had the test, the doctor mentioned that if the cause of Joshua's medical problems could be pinpointed in his brain, they may be able to do a surgery to correct it. We have been hoping and praying for that so Joshua would no longer need the ventilators, trach tubes, many medications and growth hormones. We hope it would help him be able to get back to a normal life style. If doctors DO find out the cause and can correct it, that could also help the 30 or more others in the world also suffering from the same disorder.
As soon as we hear anything definite, I will pass it along.
Meanwhile, we have been preparing our home for the market. I've written about some of the changes we made starting in December.... including changing out light fixtures and door knobs, staining the front porch and re-arranging some rooms. We have also put up wainscotting (beadboard panelling) in all three of our bathrooms. And this past weekend (Valentine's Day) we invested in wood laminate flooring and ripped out the carpet that was in our living and dining rooms.

We will be laying the wood laminate in our kitchen, laundry room and downstairs bathroom, too. It is a lot of work and it is already looking great! By the time we finish (hopefully within another week or two - after my sister moves out and into her apartment) the place should be fully market ready.
Please pray with us that the doctors will find a way to help Josh and the others with ROHHAD. And pray that we are able to sell our home for enough to pay off all our debt and find the new (one-story) house that God has planned for us.

Oh, one more thing. I am an aunt again. My brother and sister-in-law had a baby boy last night. He weighed in at 9 pounds 4 ounces and was 20 3/4 inches long! I can't wait to get to go see him!
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