Josh had two different band concerts to perform in one day (for Veterans Day - a day early) and he's been practicing for weeks for Special Olympics Bowling. That big competition finally came yesterday (Nov 11th - which is actually Veterans Day and there was no school that day so James and I took off work to take him. We wanted to anyway to see him compete).
I've got lots of pictures and videos from those events and will show them off at the end of this post... but first... as promised, it's time to tell you all about my fundraising effort.
As you may recall, I had to quit working full time outside our home when Josh first was diagnosed with ROHHAD and put on a ventilator. His medical needs were so complicated, he really needed me with him full time. We've finally got a good staff of nurses in place to help take care of him. So, I am capable of working again. But I am finding that it is nearly impossible to find a fulltime position anywhere... or a job that pays much.
In fact, all I could find - which I am still truly grateful for - is a job making minimum wage, part time at a nearby daycare facility.
So in my spare time, at the encouragement of one of my son's nurses, I am making stethoscope covers. I plan to give them to anyone who wants one (or more) who can give us a donation. I've made nearly 100 of them so far. Much of the fabric was donated by said nurse. She also loaned me the sewing machine to use.

If you would like a stethoscope cover....
If you would like a stethoscope cover....
1. message or email me... let me know which fabric you'd like
(I've got all kinds - sports, animals, Christmas patterns, etc)
My email is
2. give me your address, so I know where to send it
3. mail or deposit a donation (any amount appreciated - but please... be generous.. I make these by hand, buy the material, thread, etc. and have to pay for postage to get them to you)
to mail:
PO BOX 598, Cibolo, TX 78108-0598
to make deposit:
Randolph Brooks Federal Credit Union
Account # 558742-5
Below are the videos and pictures from Josh's band concerts and Special Olympics Bowling... He won a silver medal for that!