We learned this afternoon that our daughter, Steffany is about 6 weeks pregnant.
Steff is 17 years old and a junior in High School. The boy who is the father will be 21 in November.

Apparently, he has told Steffany he is not ready to be a father. It appears he also is not interested in remaining in a relationship with Steffany, either. She says he is encouraging her to get an abortion - which she does not want. They boy and his mother were in our home with Steffany when James, Josh and I got home from a trip to the grocery store. The boy's mother broke the news to us.
We are reeling with the news and trying to let it all soak in. But of course, we are shocked and saddened that Steffany is in this situation at this time of her life. And we will support her through it all. We do not wish her to choose to abort this baby.
Joshua seemed to block out the fact that Steffany was going to have a baby, when he heard the news. When his nurse asked him if he was disappointed in Steff, he said he was disappointed in her because she was wearing his shirt. He didn't want to talk about it other than that. Later, he said he was mad at the boy and didn't want him to come back to our house again.
In other news ... we also learned late this afternoon that Joshua's one-on-one nurse at school, Maria, had gotten a job as the school nurse next year and would not be his one-on-one next year. The district will have to hire a new nurse for him. And his medical situation will be changing this summer with his surgery to implant breathing (diaphragmatic) pacemakers. So, we will have some big changes to get used to over the next few months.
Please keep us in your prayers. We are just beginning to figure out what we need to do next.
One thing is for sure, we won't soon forget this Memorial Day!