I'm also being encouraged by his transition counselor to sign Joshua up for SSI as an adult. This is not the first time I've been recommended to sign him up. But, I had tried to sign him up for SSI as a child, shortly after he was diagnosed with his rare condition of ROHHAD (Rapid-onset Obesity with Hypoventilation, Hypothalamic & Autonomic Dysregulation). But, after all the work I did to try and sign him up back then (Oct 2005), we were still denied because even though I was out of work back then, we still made too much money to qualify. Now that Joshua is an adult, they base their decision off of his earnings and not ours. So, I've been working hours at a time on digging for information on his past doctors, hospital stays, tests, etc. so I can fully complete the SSI paperwork.
I am realizing it is very helpful to look back at some of my old blog entries to find dates, names, etc. I realize I have not been keeping up with the blog as much as I probably should, so decided I'd try to do better. Since Josh is one of the older ROHHAD patients in the world and is doing so well, I'm sure others would like to see his progress - as well as his (and my) challenges along our journey.
The question comes up frequently about whether or not to allow Joshua to be his own guardian - or if we should pursue Legal Guardianship or Power of Attorney of some sort to help Joshua make decisions about his money and medical care. I have attended a conference where this was discussed in detail. The costs associated with pursuing legal Guardianship are quite high and take lots of extra work. Because Josh is still cognizant - though impaired somewhat due to his damage to his brain from hypoxia when he went into respiratory arrest in 2005 - we are so far able to assist him with his decision making through discussions rather than forcing decisions, and he seems safe so far. For example, Josh recognizes his decision making skills are slow enough that it could create a danger for him to drive, so he does not attempt to do that. He instead relies on one of his nurses or another responsible adult to drive him wherever he needs to go. Hopefully, that continues and he will continue to take our advice and make wise decisions.
It is almost a year since Josh graduated high school. He spent a semester after high school in the district's 18 plus program. But, he felt like it was not as much of a benefit to him as he'd hoped, so he decided to be done with it in December.

Josh is still considering taking college classes and is still interested in culinary arts. We would like to find out for sure what his nursing situation will look like and how we will go about paying for school for him before he makes that commitment.
Meanwhile, I am still working as Josh's respiratory therapist at his Durable Medical Equipment company (Apple Homecare Medical Supply). In fact, I am now the office manager. I have 2 other respiratory therapists working with me in the San Antonio office. This is a job that gives me great perspective of seeing the processes with medical insurance we rely on to help pay for the equipment that keeps Josh alive. I also get the privilege to walk alongside other parents caring for their children who are medically challenged. I feel this is my calling and it keeps me busy!
The hubby - James - is still working nights at FedEx Freight. We are both looking forward to a vacation coming up around Mother's Day. James will be taking a couple of weeks off work (I'm just taking off 1 week and so is Josh). We plan to take a rental RV trailer and travel to visit some family and possibly a lake or two to do some fishing. Oh, and we are all cheering on our favorite local basketball team, the San Antonio Spurs, in the playoffs.

That is right - my sister just got married April 8th. As you can see, she was a beautiful bride! The ceremony was held at the San Antonio Botanical Gardens. The reception was at Anne Marie's at Devonshire Place, in the Starcrest Room, which just happens to be blocks from my office.

I can't wait to see the pictures the professional photographer took. As soon as they are available, I'll share some. The ceremony was a fairly small gathering (as she wanted).
Luckily, we got to see some family we haven't seen in quite a while there (including a couple of aunts & uncles & my brother and his family).